Today, one year into the conflict, there are still 18 million Ukrainians in need of aid and more than 13 million people unable to return to their homes. This includes 5.4 million displaced inside Ukraine and another 8 million Ukrainians living as refugees elsewhere in Europe.
In the first seven days of the conflict, the world saw more than one million people flee Ukraine, with 3.6 million leaving the country in the first month – the largest movement of people in Europe since the Second World War. Mostly women and children, they arrived often cold, traumatised and with nowhere to go.
The Irish Emergency Alliance launched a joint appeal for the crisis on 4th March 2022 and collectively raised over €1.2 million thanks to the exceptional generosity of the Irish public. This enabled us to provide urgently needed humanitarian assistance in excess of 100,000 people affected by the war, both inside Ukraine and surrounding countries. Over the winter months, and with the support of our partners, we assisted tens of thousands of people displaced within Ukraine to better cope with sub-zero temperatures.
Irish Emergency Alliance member charities helped with the most pressing needs of food, warm clothes and basic items such as toothbrushes and nappies at border crossings and reception centres, and sorted out temporary and longer-term accommodation. Later, cash payments allowed refugees to choose to buy what they needed.
Appeal funds have been fast and flexible, enabling Irish Emergency Alliance member charities and their networks of trusted local partners to adapt quickly to support those most needing help in an ever-changing environment. These funds have had a multiplier effect, empowering local people and strengthening partner organisations.
With this funding from the Irish public, our members and their partners have provided cash grants to support community led projects across eastern, central and southern Ukraine, helping thousands of people.
The cash grants were used to support local community groups in Ukraine carry out small scale projects that benefit the wider community, including providing families with stoves, warm winter clothes, blankets and flashlights as well as equipping displacement and bomb shelters with heaters, furnaces and electricity generators.
Irish Emergency Alliance member charities and their partners have also contributed to preventing large-scale exploitation of vulnerable groups throughout the crisis by providing protection services, supporting the tracking and registration of new arrivals and referring people for further support.
The majority (around two thirds) of Irish Emergency Alliance member funds have been spent inside Ukraine itself, where needs are greatest and change rapidly: people fleeing the country have also been supported in neighbouring countries of Poland, Romania, Moldova and Hungry as well as in Germany and Switzerland as they seek safety and try to rebuild their lives further afield.
Brian Casey, Executive Director of the Irish Emergency Alliance, said:
“With sincere thanks to the incredibly generous and caring Irish public, the Irish Emergency Alliance and its members and partners were able to respond quickly as the shocking events unfolded in Ukraine just one year ago. We were able to raise €1.2 million which enabled us to support urgent humanitarian needs in Ukraine and its surrounding countries.
“The Irish Emergency Alliance member charities helped with the most pressing needs of food, warm clothes and basic items such as toothbrushes and nappies at border crossings and reception centres, and sorted out temporary and longer-term accommodation. Later, cash payments allowed refugees to choose to buy what they needed.”
“Sadly, this crisis is far from over. And when the conflict does end, it will take years to rebuild and restore some sense of normality to Ukraine. But, thanks to the Irish public’s generosity and solidarity, the Irish Emergency Alliance members and partners will be able to keep providing support to those affected and respond to the changing needs on the ground as the situation unfolds.”
For queries or further information: please contact Jacqui Corcoran on: [email protected]
About the Irish Emergency Alliance
We are seven leading humanitarian agencies who have come together to respond faster and do more to save and help rebuild the lives of people affected by major emergencies worldwide. Our member organisations are: Action Aid, Christian Aid, Plan International, Self Help Africa, Tearfund, Trócaire and World Vision.
We have decades of combined experience and are active in 85 of the world’s poorest countries, often working closely with local partner organisations. Last year alone, we mobilised to support people affected by more than 20 disasters and conflicts worldwide, operating in some of the most difficult situations. But we want to do even more for people whose lives have been devastated by emergencies — save even more lives and support even more people to rebuild their homes, schools, communities and livelihoods.
Together we can do that. We can raise more for the people affected, and make even better use of those funds by working more efficiently so your donation goes further.