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Your Gift

Your donation will help in our efforts to prepare for emergencies enabling us to respond swiftly and efficiently when disasters strike. We aim to ensure that we are better equipped to mobilise resources and reach more individuals in need. 

Please choose your lifesaving gift now.


Other ways to donate

You can also donate:

By Freepost at Irish Emergency Alliance, 11 Harrington Street, FREEPOST FDN5300, Dublin 8, D08 EK7D 

Or if you prefer to donate by bank transfer please email [email protected] and a member of our team will be delighted to share banks details with you.

How we use your information

We may analyse your information to understand you better and target our digital advertising. This means you will receive more effective communications from us.

We are committed to always processing your information fairly and transparently. For more information, please see our Privacy policy.

You can ask for more details or stop any processing by contacting us at the contact details shown below.