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A tale of resilience in Syria

Taline was sadly no stranger to disaster when she was caught up in the earthquake that devastated Turkey and Syria.

Having relocated to Aleppo just five months before, Taline and her family were seeking some security and support after the Beirut Port explosion, which impacted their home in the city two years earlier, had left them with long-term psychological, medical and financial hardships.

Thankfully, when the earthquake struck, the family escaped their collapsing building uninjured and sought refuge at one of the churches that was serving as a shelter for those affected.

In response to the emergency, Plan International swiftly intervened. Collaborating with their partner organisation, Middle Eastern Council of Churches (MECC), Plan recognised the urgent needs of the displaced population and, with funding support from the Irish Emergencies Alliance, were in a position to offer immediate assistance.

Acknowledging the scarcity of food, sanitation, and cleaning supplies, they were able, through MECC, to promptly deliver food parcels and hygiene kits to those taking refuge in the churches, including Taline's family. 

Aid worker from Plan's partner agency delivering supplies. Credit: Plan International Ireland

I am grateful to Plan International and MECC who stood by our side during our darkest hours. Their support was crucial in helping us navigate through that difficult time. Food parcels and hygiene kits were essential for my family's survival and sanitation.

After a month, Taline and her family found a safer environment in Aleppo.